09:30 – 23:00
2. March
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Sonntag 2.3. Vorbereitungstag für die 8.3.-Demo

Exchange Meeting

This is an <3 invitation <3 for a collective day of preparation for the 8th march.

Prepraing NOW FOR THE 8.3.? Sure!

(stronger together!)

With lots of energy, bravery, suffering and shared empowerment wirh have made our (queer)feminist demos and actions visible and hearable, within the last years.

But the Basel police departement tries to intimidate us every time. On the 25.11.22; 8.3.23; or other times - they keep attacking us and the things we stand for. With rubber bullets, pepperspray, kettles, our Meetingpoints flooded with riot cops, bad press, fines etc. We wont shut up about these circumstances, even if their patriarchal logic demands it once again. We want to handle their repression with honesty and openness, we want to strengthen our relationships and comradships and we want to be bold and brave for our beliefs.

In order to strengthen and connect our struggles with energy, anger and cohesion, we will meet on the 2th march before the 8th march with following ideas:

Repression attacks our relationships and bodies. Therefor we want to take tike this day, to cook and eat together! Let's talk about reproductive labour. Because its being pushed to the background once so often or outsourced towards marginalized and/or precarious people.

Repression attacks our safety. Therefor we will have a demo training and talk about strategies to feel more safe. (demotraining 1+2 begins 10am; bring a hat, an extra rain jacket and what you like to wear on a demo).

The repressions goal is to isolate and silence us - let's get together and take the street once again (2.30pm and everyday).

There will be an infopoint all day, just come by :) <3


09.30am coffe and tea + arive together
10.00am demotraining pt. 1
11.30am cooking together and discuss how important it is to connect and organize cooking and eating for our struggles
11.45am demotraining pt. 2
01.00pm lunching together (donation based) with chit-chatting and getting to know each other
02.30pm Talks and discussion: How does repression work within us and our struggles? What are wooo doing against this? + Infos for the Demo on 8th march and short introduction of supporting structures
05:30pm Bar in UG until 11pm


where: Elsi - Elsässerstrasse 128-134, 4056 Basel
when: sunday 2th march, 9.30am - 8pm
accessibility: Elsi + EG by wheelchair, WCs, UG and demotraining over stairs
there is a translation in english an french!
for whom: This is an invitation for all people, finding it important to take part on queerfeminist demos. Its just awesome if you go to a demo, no matter in which part of it. Lets prepare for 8th march, stronger together! Nobody will be excluded by appearance

share the costs of repression, we are collecting money for that:
bankaccount: CH57 0839 2000 1616 7730 4, 8. März ist aller Tage 4057 Basel

at the moment we collect money for different reasons, because there is a lawsuit against the police operation on 8th march 2023