… is a calendar to provide an overview of the subversive everyday life in Basel, as well as the various (self-organized) events and (self-administered) initiatives.
… should empower the different anti-capitalist, DIY, ecological, emancipatory, queer*feminist, anti-racist, revolutionary, spontaneous, planned events.
… should make these events more accessible.
… is a tool to connect the various initiatives, whether on the digital platform or out there in the real world, for example with the monthly print version or mutual support.
… should continue the idea of the former, analogue B-Flyer (thanks for that <3).
Guidelines of the Agenda
Accessible and non-commercial events
- Describe your event in a form that people know what it’s about
- Don’t forget information about duration, wheelchair accessibility, admission price, …
- Think about inclusiveness, also in language (details see below)
- Events can take place without admission, without consumer pressure (not everyone is able to afford something at a bar).
- Events can have an entry fee, but the price can be determined.
- Events can use an entry fee to support a project of solidarity, the self-administered space itself or organizers and performers. The requirement for free work for all performers and presenters does not really work in a capitalistic world…
- Events that are only intent on profit in order to fill their own coffers and are without an emancipatory claim should use other channels after all. And talk about inclusion and capitalism. ;-)
The calendar expects inclusiveness, also in language
- (Concerning German descriptions): In the dominance of the male grammatical form over the female in the German language we see a latent sexism that manifests itself in language. The star * makes room for all genders.
- The event description should be provided in German and English. With this people who aren’t familiar with the German language or do not yet know Basel well also get access to events. All further translations are of course more than welcome. (If you have diffculties translating yourself, the internet can certainly help you.)
- The choice of languages German and English is a question of capacity. If you can, help us with translations!
Responsible sharing of content
- This agenda is not a secure platform. This means be aware of the content you share with the public. The shared content can be traced back to you.
- Behind this agenda are people who can also be associated with the content. Take care with what you share!
Social intercourse
The agenda should be a solidarity-based advertising of events with each other. At the same time, it makes it possible to refer to each other (in terms of content, time, etc.). This means, for example, to be considerate when choosing dates, to know about each other, etc.
The various contents, which find place on B-Seite, should and can complement each other and strengthen each other.
Everything digital?!
In order not to fall for technologization, there is also an analogue version of the agenda. The closing date for entries is on the last day of every month. Afterwards you can download and print a PDF file with the events.
No Good
There is no place in the agenda for discriminatory content!
The calendar is not a platform for parliamentary parties.
Barrikade.infoInfoportal aus der Deutschschweiz
Renverse.coinformation et luttes Suisse romande
Backbord.tkInfoseite aus Luzern
Radar SquatInternationale Infoseite
BaselwandelInfoportal für ökologischen und sozialen Wandel im der Region Basel
MovingChange CHANGE PlannerBewegunskalender für die Schweiz
Questions, Suggestions, Errors
If you have suggestions, questions or if you want to report an error you can contact us under: