Fiasko Magazin
critical intervention against migration regimes
Fiasko against fiasko
In Switzerland, Europe and many places throughout the world, migrants are judged “unwelcome”. Arriving people are rejected, isolated, administered and locked away. Somebody who wants to fight against this, who is searching for reliable information, is confronted with an impenetrable jungle of laws, orders and official despotism. Medias publish mostly superficial articles, repor- ted always from the same presumptuous perspective. Structures and conditions should not be questioned – we place a totally different demand on this newspaper!
face it: more than informing and commenting
In this newspaper there will be place for critical and self-determined texts written by people who no longer want to go along with a migration regime that categorizes, oppresses and exploits. By people who have had enough of a society who grants privileges and excludes, who want to rise their voice – silently and cautious, aloud and angry. By people who want to choose freely with whom they want to live with and in which manner and where their life should happen. People who demand this for everybody – open and in solidarity.
deal with it: think along, exchange and intervene
The point of this newspaper is to enforce awareness and to come into action against any illegalisation, discrimination and exclusion. Contribute with your own texts to criticize fundamentally all the social, economic and political structures that back up the migration regime. Different kinds of contributions are welcome – apart from reports and articles there will be place for creati- ve inputs such as pictures, drawings, comics and poems. All the contributions come out in the original language and with an English translation.
go further: let’s use (the) fiasko