Platform for mutual support of self-organized spaces and collectives in Basel
The self-organized collectives of Basel, Restaurant Hirscheneck, Eiscafé Acero, Carambolage, Capri-Bar, queerfeminist library Sp!t, SUR3*TU, UG-Kollektiv, Infoladen Magazin, Druckkollektiv Phoenix, Getränkekollektiv, Elsi und Brockenbude Glubos call for financial support to keep our self-created structures alive!
Collective action
Over many years the self-organized groups and venues in this city have built independent structures which are not oriented towards profit increase or prestige of the people who co-organize them, and they enable many to have an income and projects on an equal footing. Organizing as a collective allows us to challenge internal hierarchies again and again and to fill the opening spaces and possibilities with critical content. Helping neighbors and other support work is lived solidarity.
Stay collective
Many of you used and still use these different spaces, as guests or customers, as visitors or friends, to organize politically. Now it is about helping the collectives to get over a difficult time and to prevent these structures from breaking away. In order to support each other as spaces, we hereby start a common fund for collective preservation. Wherever there is an emergency, the collected donations will be used directly and according to the most urgent need and necessity to pay the bills. Together we can keep these places alive for all who use and run them!
Donate by money transfer to:
Solikonto: CH62 0900 0000 1548 5487 4