Magazin - Anarchistische Bibliothek Basel

The magazine invites you to browse through rebellious stories, exchange ideas and discuss with each other
The space is a self-organised meeting place for anyone interested in anti-authoritarian ideas. And for anyone looking for access to knowledge and history that is critical of the existing social order.
We see the writing, distribution and reading of texts – be they theoretical essays, stories or experience reports – as an important part of resistance practice. Our selection of books and brochures includes historical and current content, but is by no means complete or conclusive. In this sense, we want to broaden our perspectives, strengthen analyses and make them accessible through texts and discussions.
In addition to the library service, brochures, zines and flyers are available to borrow and take with you. Or you can drop by for a chat with us. From time to time we organise information and discussion events, as well as readings and film evenings. We are always open to suggestions. You can also find material from us to write letters to prisoners. Our address can also be used for this purpose, and letters received can be collected during opening hours.
We see ourselves as part of the fight against gentrification and displacement in the neighbourhood. Together with the collectively run neighbourhood pub Capri Bar, which is right next door, we form a place beyond the obligation to consume and the logic of profit. We want to create physical moments of community to counter the increasing shift of social life into the isolation of digital space. Let’s fill the magazine with life together!
4057 Basel