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Rabia - revolutionary antipatriarchal alliance basel

Rabia is an alliance of anti-patriarchal forces of the extra-parliamentary left in Basel. Our focus is on the 25th of November which is the international day against violence towards women and genderqueer people as well as the 8th of march¹.
Every day we experience being suppressed by the patriarchy. In a capitalist system, patriarchal structures lead to the exploitation of women and genderqueer people.
We don't want more gender diversity in the head positions, we want do abolish capitalist systems. Part of that is to overcome gender specific work segmentation, specifically reproduction and care work. We want to overcome the binary gender roles of “men” and “women”. The liberation from patriarchy must go hand in hand with the liberation from imperialism.
In rabia we summon our anger towards daily sexism and transphobia, towards the daily violence that far too often even leads to femicide and murder of trans people. Let us use our differences as strength. Together against the patriarchy!
Rabia - revolutionary antipatriarchal alliance basel
¹ historically: historical: international women's struggle day