UFO Mink

UFO MINK meets every month in Basel. The main goal of the group is to support people who accompany others in crises and to reflect and work out collective ways of dealing with crises. We always take the time to exchange information about our condition in general and especially about our own support structures and situations.

UFO MINK emerged from the workshop series "Good for nothing" in Basel in autumn 2018. The series revolved around depressive experiences in resistant everyday life and tried to develop a collective approach to individual crises. Following this series of events, this group was founded to support support supporters and to promote collective approaches to dealing with crises. UFO MINK meets every month in Basel. The main purpose of the group is to support people who accompany others in crises and to reflect on and develop collective ways of dealing with crises. We always take the time to exchange information about our condition in general and our own support structures and situations in particular.
The first project of UFO MINK was the brochure "Für Unterstützende von Menschen in Krisen", which was published in December 2019 and can be found under the following link

You are very welcome to contact us or come and join us. You can reach us via:
We like to get mails encrypted, but unencrypted is also possible. Our PGP key is available at

We use underlines to include all people, regardless of gender identity, in the language. In addition, we use the apostrophe to indicate that the category woman or man is socially constructed. Since a reader reads the apostrophe as a short pause, we prefer this instead of the star.

Buchhandlung Labyrinth

+41 61 261 57 67

Nadelberg 17

4051 Basel

the place for books at the Nadelberg - If you are looking for a good read, you will find it in the labyrinth with all its nooks and crannies.

The Labyrinth is the place at the Nadelberg for all friends of the book. Anyone looking for a good book will find it here. The Labyrinth offers an exciting selection of titles on site and (almost) everything can be ordered. In addition, the Labyrinth offers a platform for everything exciting about books. All interested people are invited to the events and the Labyrith is happy to come with a book table to wherever there are people who are passionate about literature. We are very open to your ideas about books.

translated with

Opening hours: Mo: 13.00-18.30, Di- Fr: 10.00-18.30 Sa: 10.00-17.00


FEM*FEST #3 2020

FEM*FEST #3 2020

As active queer feminists we see a social responsibility for inclusion, visibility and public presence. Through a various programme around the 8th of March we want to draw attention to the different life experiences of women, trans* and queer people. We also want to show how plural feminism is and how variously feminism can be lived.

The fem*fest aims to be open to all people. For the events and workshops we do not charge an entrance fee (with one exception!), but a voluntary donation in order not to exclude any person due to their financial situation. We will also organise whisper groups for translations if necessary and explain the respective space policies (e.g. "for all gender", "error-positive space", "only women*lesben*inter*trans* people etc.) and ways of speaking (how do you want to be addressed: name, pronouns, gender...)!

Wagenplatz Trailerpark


4057 Basel

Our short description follows ;)

Our short description follows ;)


In solidarity with refugee women & genderqueer people

INAYA is a Basel-based structure for refugee women and genderqueer people. It wants to show solidarity directly. One priority is a redistribution of needed money from those who have enough to those whom have too little. In this way, basic needs are to be covered securely and in the long term. For refugee women and genderqueer people, existing support structures are non-existent or difficult to access. That is why INAYA!

MEO Basel

1312 Basel

Messenger Event Organisation Basel

Once in the 90's a few messengers sat together and decided to start an organisation, that supports messenger events. At the beginning the focus was on alleycats, later also messenger championships and bike polo turnaments were organised. Some evenings and Pfefferracketen later, the statutes were created and adapted with the elaborate process of "copy-paste". MEO was born.

You search for financial support for your alleycat or for insider contacts? Or you want to get involved in the messenger scene of Basel? Reach out to MEO – or just the next messenger you know


Bahnhofstrasse 33

79650 Schopfheim

Das Holzrock Open Air ist ein linksautonomes Musik- und Kulturfestival. Wir organisieren alles selbst. Am Holzrock geht es darum, Menschen eine Stimme zu geben, Platz zu machen, Raum zu gestalten und eine wundervoll zauberhafte Zeit entstehen zu lassen. Unsere Haltung ist antirassistisch und antifaschistisch – und vieles mehr!

Das Holzrock Open Air ist ein linksautonomes Musik- und Kulturfestival. Das Festival wird von unterschiedlichen Menschen ehrenamtlich nach dem DIY (do-it-yourself) Prinzip organisiert. In monatlich stattfindenden Plenen kann sich jede*r einbringen, dabei streben wir in Grundsatzentscheidungen einen Konsens an. Die Festivalorga steht das ganze Jahr über für interessierte Mitwirkende und neue Ideen offen.

Das Holzrock soll ein diskriminierungsfreier Ort der Vielfalt sein, in dem Grenzen anderer respektiert werden und sich jede*r unabhängig von Herkunft und Genderidentität frei entfalten kann. Wir wollen einen nachhaltigen Raum für respektvolles und bewusstes Verhalten gegenüber Mensch, Tier und Natur schaffen. Bei uns herrscht kein Konsumzwang. Es geht nicht um Profit, sondern darum, dass möglichst viele Menschen ein schönes Festival zusammen gestalten und erleben können. Das Holzrock entsteht miteinander – füreinander, weil es Spaß macht die Welt selbst zu gestalten, deshalb verstehen wir uns nicht als Dienstleistende. Unser Ziel ist es Subkultur zu fördern und die regionale Kulturszene zu unterstützen sowie einen Raum für politische Ideen und Diskussionen zu schaffen.

Entsanden ist das Holzrock aus der Punk Bewegung Ende der 80er Jahre und die Energie schwingt immernoch im schnellen Tackt. Heute ist das Musikprogramm aber diverser und experimenteller als je zuvor - vom feministischen Hiphop bis zum kratzigen 80ies Wave oder stampfigen Techno des Nachts gibts für alle Ohren etwas!




Radiopolis is a neighbourhood radio with a range as borderless as possible.
The program is only limited by the radio format.
From live sets, conversations and other ideas everything is possible.

We want to offer as many people as possible a platform and thus promote cultural and thematic networking.
We advocate a solidarity-based and non-profit-oriented opinion.
We firmly reject all forms of discrimination, racism, sexism and homophobia.

We are pleased about all inputs and willingness to participate.
Do you have an idea or contributions which you think would fit into our program?
Get in touch with us and we will get back to you.

Live chat and current information:

Telegram live chat:
Instagram: @faksepolis

Recht auf Stadt

4000 Basel

Based on our own experiences as people being displaced in Basel, we deal with the "right to the city" both in terms of content and actively on the street. The "right to the city" group meets regularly, discusses, publishes and plans actions. We are open for interested people =)
Contact us!

Getting wind of "urban development"? It's the wrecking ball.
The history of the displacement in Basel is long and it continues. The wrecking ball is cutting deep aisles into our city, through which the cold wind of displacement is blowing.

Who wants that?

Try to explain to a child why it is fair that an investor who has never walked through a house, never lived there and never worked there can now decide that those who have invested a lot of time, attention and energy in this place must be removed:

Because the world is unjust?
Because it is capitalist?
Because we subordinate ourselves to the market?
Our city is not for sale.

People in this City have the right to help shape the urban space, regardless of the origin or size of their wallet. We fight, together and for all.

Right to the city in Basel - from below!

IGA Interprofessionelle Gewerkschaft der Arbeiter*innen


We advise you on legal issues in the areas of work, unemployment and social security.
We support you in your company if you want to defend yourself against unfair conditions, for example

We are committed to improving working and living conditions

We defend the interests of wage earners
We are clearly partisan, because we always side with the wage earners!

The IGA is the trade union for precarious workers, those who work temporarily, on an interim basis, on call and in several part-time jobs at the same time. The job seekers, those who have been excluded, those with reduced pensions, those who are on the subsistence level, the self-employed, bogus self-employed, undocumented workers - and of course all those who still have a permanent job.

Opening hours: Mo, Di und Do 14-17 Beratung


For is a not-for-profit exhibition space in Basel (CH) showing contemporary art. The focus lies on works addressing the audience to critically-imagine popular phenomena of our present. The exhibitions are accompanied by a magazine for cultural studies.

For is a not-for-profit exhibition space in Basel (CH) showing contemporary art. The focus lies on works addressing the audience to critically-imagine popular phenomena of our present. The exhibitions are accompanied by a magazine for cultural studies.

Opening hours: Samstags 11-17

Eiscafé Acero

+41 61 222 27 28

The Eiscfé Acero has been a collectively run restaurant for almost 10 years. The main feature is the homemade ice cream, Italian style. Also come by during our regular opening hours and get an impression of us, our beautiful restaurant and the delicious products!

In order to support various projects in Basel and other places in the world, there will be Soli-Glacé sales every Monday during the summer (until mid of September).
Besides the financial contributions, it is important for the Acero collective to set a sign with the Soli Mondays. against state repressions and to support
resistant ideas.
The profit of all these mondays will be
shared in solidarity among the various
Information about the projects can be found on site.

Opening hours: Di-Sa 11-22Uhr, So 11-18Uhr