4056 Basel
Elsi is a squated house at Elsässerstr. 128-132, in Basel 4056. Elsi is an autonom, selfcreated place, where livingareas exist and projects and events can take place .
Elsi is a squated house at Elsässerstr. 128-132, in Basel 4056. Elsi is an autonom, selfcreated place, where livingareas exist and projects and events can take place .
+41 61 261 57 67
4051 Basel
the place for books at the Nadelberg - If you are looking for a good read, you will find it in the labyrinth with all its nooks and crannies.
The Labyrinth is the place at the Nadelberg for all friends of the book. Anyone looking for a good book will find it here. The Labyrinth offers an exciting selection of titles on site and (almost) everything can be ordered. In addition, the Labyrinth offers a platform for everything exciting about books. All interested people are invited to the events and the Labyrith is happy to come with a book table to wherever there are people who are passionate about literature. We are very open to your ideas about books.
translated with www.DeepL.com
🗒 Anarchismus | Asylaktivismus
📅 28. November 19:01, Nadelberg 17, 4051 bASEL
Opening hours: Mo: 13.00-18.30, Di- Fr: 10.00-18.30 Sa: 10.00-17.00
Ignorance Unlimited watches: We thematize and criticize the ecological destruction of local companies, the entanglement of Basel with global exploitation.
Under the name of IGNORANCE UNLIMITED, various action groups have come together to denounce the ignorance of the city of Basel. Actions under the name Ignorance Unlimited show that a globalised economy has global consequences and therefore a responsibility that does not bounce off city or country borders. The history and richness of Basel and Switzerland is based on the exploitation of man and nature in other parts of the world.
Ignorance Unlimited watches: Ecological destruction of local companies, the entanglement of Basel with global exploitation must be addressed and criticized. No additional tax income and no additional job for Basel justifies the behaviour of large multinationals and must not be used as an argument for justification. Let's talk about ignorance.
After the strike is before the strike! We are feminist, we are in solidarity and we don't back down. Open to all FINTA people (women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people)!
aktiv@frauenstreik-bs.ch | t.me/feministischer_streik_basel | instagram.com/fem_streik_bs | facebook.com/StreikBS
Kommt noch! <3
4058 Basel
The timeless living-room is a queerfeminist space at SP!T, open for all people who want to get together and have a conversation about our struggles and dreams, without the pressure of meetings and demonstrations. We want to chill together, get to know each other, chat, read or plan events.
Queerfeminism is meant for everyone and if it's new for you or you haven't been in touch with movements, you're all the more welcome. We value error-friendliness, mutual respect and to treat each other free from discrimination. We want to shape this space together, so feel free to tell us about your ideas, your suggestions and wishes for your own events.
The living-room is open regularly each week alternating Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon, sometimes with more sometimes less program.
Open for all genders. Not barrier-free: three steps. For more information see @Zeitloseswohnzimmer.
Opening hours: Do: 19-ca 21h, Sa: ab 15h
Breisacherstrasse 50 (im Hinterhof)
4057 Basel
BelleVue is the place in the region where contemporary photography is exhibited and discussed. In times of cultural change, places like BelleVue are important as a "cooking pot" of creative and critical ideas and innovative contributions. They offer a "friction surface" to the usual mainstream.
We offer an established platform for contemporary photography, regularly presenting works by well-known photographers and young talents to a wide audience in our exhibition space. The events are planned and organized by photographers or interested parties who are passionate about photography. We work on a voluntary basis and are organized as a non-profit association with 200 members, 30 of whom are active. For 10 years, we have been organizing a photographically diverse, exciting and challenging programme of exhibitions and events for professionals, but also for people interested in photography who realize their own projects within the framework of BelleVue.
Support our diverse program and become a member!
Opening hours: Samstag und Sonntag, 11 bis 17 Uhr
We are a nomadic space for contemporary feminism. Our vision is to foster debate culture and make queer feminist literature amenable.
Different formats and media for reading and listening enable an experimental and performative access to literature with a focus on feminism, pop culture and critical theory.
+41 61 692 73 33
4058 Basel
Opening hours: https://www.hirscheneck.ch/das-restaurant.html
4057 Basel
The Movement for Socialism is an anti-capitalist, feminist, anti-racist and ecosocialist organization that is active throughout Switzerland.
The Basel section of the BFS meets every two weeks. If you are interested in attending a meeting or event of the BFS Basel or if you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us!
4058 Basel
The self-organized herbal pharmacy EPPA wants to create a place where people can share health-specific knowledge and find herbal medicine.
EPPA offers an alternative for all those who, like us, would like to become less dependent on conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical companies. In dealing with health, we want to give each other the tools to take care of ourselves.
Concretely, there is this space to share knowledge on medicinal plants and medical topics, to get advice and to pick up tea herbs, tinctures or ointments.
Opening hours: jeden ersten Samstag im Monat (14-17:00)
Collective Climate Justice (vormals Climate Games Basel) ist eine Gruppe von engagierten Menschen verschiedener Hintergründe. Aus unserer Sicht sind Regierungen und profitorientierte Unternehmen nicht gewillt und nicht fähig die Klimakatastrophe und die massenhafte Umweltzerstörung zu stoppen. Es ist deshalb notwendig und wichtig selbst aktiv zu werden und zu einer Bewegung beizutragen, welche bestimmt für globale Klimagerechtigkeit kämpft.
Im Rahmen unserer letzten Aktionstage im Sommer 2019 wurden mit dem Hauptsitz der Credit Suisse am Zürcher Paradeplatz und dem Hauptsitz der UBS in der Aeschenvorstadt in Basel zwei wichtige Standorte des Schweizer Finanzplatzes blockiert. Hunderte Menschen blockierten mit ihren Körpern die Zugänge zu den Hauptsitzen der beiden Grossbanken und zeigen, was sie wollen: den Investoren der Klimakatastrophe, namentlich Credit Suisse und UBS, den Geldhahn zudrehen! Credit Suisse und UBS sind die Hauptverantwortlichen des Schweizer Finanzplatzes für die weltweite Klimakatastrophe. Zwar wird hier kein Öl gefördert und keine Kohle verbrannt, aber von hier aus werden derartige Projekte finanziert und dadurch erst möglich gemacht.
Über neue Menschen die mit uns die Welt verändern wollen, freuen wir uns immer!
Kontakt via: info@climatejustice.ch
Platform for mutual support of self-organized spaces and collectives in Basel
The self-organized collectives of Basel, Restaurant Hirscheneck, Eiscafé Acero, Carambolage, Capri-Bar, queerfeminist library Sp!t, SUR3*TU, UG-Kollektiv, Infoladen Magazin, Druckkollektiv Phoenix, Getränkekollektiv, Elsi und Brockenbude Glubos call for financial support to keep our self-created structures alive!
Collective action
Over many years the self-organized groups and venues in this city have built independent structures which are not oriented towards profit increase or prestige of the people who co-organize them, and they enable many to have an income and projects on an equal footing. Organizing as a collective allows us to challenge internal hierarchies again and again and to fill the opening spaces and possibilities with critical content. Helping neighbors and other support work is lived solidarity.
Stay collective
Many of you used and still use these different spaces, as guests or customers, as visitors or friends, to organize politically. Now it is about helping the collectives to get over a difficult time and to prevent these structures from breaking away. In order to support each other as spaces, we hereby start a common fund for collective preservation. Wherever there is an emergency, the collected donations will be used directly and according to the most urgent need and necessity to pay the bills. Together we can keep these places alive for all who use and run them!
Donate by money transfer to:
Solikonto: CH62 0900 0000 1548 5487 4