

SUSU – regularly invites to drink and draw

Once a month we get together to draw or be creative otherwise and to have a drink. About place and time we inform on a telegram-channel, instagram and b-Seite. Bring friends, pens and drinks.

Unfug (Grob)

where is the spice of utopia?

here we go on a search sometimes. just join!


burgweg 15

4058 basel

there will be danceworkshops in basel for the next 12 months. it is about creating spaces in which people can meet, inspire each other and move together. every first sunday of the month there will be a workshop about another form of movement or a discussion round. if not noted, the workshops are open to all gender. the workshops are based on donation.
please watch closely wether the workshops are with enrolment and until when you can enrole.

lasst uns tanzen!
wir öffnen einen raum, indem menschen ihre begeisterung und ihr können für das tanzen teilen. um an den workshops teilzunehmen, musst du keine tanzerfahrung mitbringen. wir bewegen uns zusammen in neue richtungen.
teilnehmer*innen bestimmen individuell was sie zahlen können und möchten. die kollekte geht an die workshopleitende person und den raum. wenn nicht vermerkt, sind die workshops offen für alle geschlechter und ohne anmeldung. die workshops sollen in einem möglichst achtsamen, inklusiven und diskriminierungsarmen raum stattfinden können. dafür sind wir alle mitverantwortlich.



Platform for mutual support of self-organized spaces and collectives in Basel

The self-organized collectives of Basel, Restaurant Hirscheneck, Eiscafé Acero, Carambolage, Capri-Bar, queerfeminist library Sp!t, SUR3*TU, UG-Kollektiv, Infoladen Magazin, Druckkollektiv Phoenix, Getränkekollektiv, Elsi und Brockenbude Glubos call for financial support to keep our self-created structures alive!

Collective action

Over many years the self-organized groups and venues in this city have built independent structures which are not oriented towards profit increase or prestige of the people who co-organize them, and they enable many to have an income and projects on an equal footing. Organizing as a collective allows us to challenge internal hierarchies again and again and to fill the opening spaces and possibilities with critical content. Helping neighbors and other support work is lived solidarity.

Stay collective

Many of you used and still use these different spaces, as guests or customers, as visitors or friends, to organize politically. Now it is about helping the collectives to get over a difficult time and to prevent these structures from breaking away. In order to support each other as spaces, we hereby start a common fund for collective preservation. Wherever there is an emergency, the collected donations will be used directly and according to the most urgent need and necessity to pay the bills. Together we can keep these places alive for all who use and run them!

Donate by money transfer to:
Solikonto: CH62 0900 0000 1548 5487 4

End Fossil: Occupy Basel


Our schools! Our universities!
End Fossil Basel is getting things moving in our schools and at the University of Basel! Together we make the education system - our schools and the University of Basel fit for the future. Come to an event or contact us - Join us!

END FOSSIL: OCCUPY schools and universities!
Between September and December 2022, we occupied more than 50 schools and universities around the world to #EndFossil.

It is important that we organize ourselves as youth at work, at university, but also at our schools! For a social ecology and the end of the fossil industry, as well as its influence on society!

Our 3 principles:
1. youth led - The occupations are organized by young people. All are welcome to join!

2. climate justice - The political framework behind the occupations is that of climate justice. We want an end to the fossil fuel industry in order to achieve climate neutrality and global social justice. We want to achieve our goal through a global and socially just process.

3. occupy until we win - Our intention is to occupy (high-)schools in a wide variety of locations, disrupting public life until our demands are achieved.

We take our inspiration from countless historical examples, such as the 2006 Penguin Revolution in Chile, the 2016 Primavera Secundarista in Brazil, the global mobilization in and after 1986, and many others that have shown us that young people have the power to change society from the ground up. Our goal is nothing less: we start as students, but we want the whole society to take action for climate justice.

We are unstoppable - Another world is possible! We will not give up until the fossil era is over!

On Instagram:

Blasphemic Reading Soirées


We are a nomadic space for contemporary feminism. Our vision is to foster debate culture and make queer feminist literature amenable.

Different formats and media for reading and listening enable an experimental and performative access to literature with a focus on feminism, pop culture and critical theory.

Stadt für Alle

Right to the City for All – in Basel and everywhere.

Der Verein Stadt für Alle setzt sich für eine sozialverträgliche, bezahlbare und ökologische Stadt ein, die frei von Renditezwängen und Ausgrenzung belebt wird. Wir dokumentieren städtische Prozesse, insbesondere auf dem Wohnungs-, Immobilien- und Bodenmarkt Basels. Wir intervenieren in die öffentlichen Diskussionen um Stadtentwicklung und Wohnpolitik. Und wir unterstützen Hausgruppen, Quartiervereine oder Mieter:innen.


vegetableshop, free price

Biodynamic vegetables from lokal Farms.
Mattenstrasse 74 entrance in the courtyard
always open!
support the local food-chain

Opening hours: immer offen

Velotour d'Horizon

Against total administrative control in asylum camps! More autonomy to migrated people!

The Velotour d'Horizon arrives in Basel on Friday, 17.7. Let's welcome the autonomously organised cyclists and have a good time together.
On 19 July, anyone who feels like it an cycle with us to Delémont.



The "Summe" is an association of Basel's art and project spaces. The aim is to promote exchange between artists, projects and space operators, and to make them visible.
The ∑ SUMME is reinventing itself and will offer a portal for the visibility, networking and strengthening of the Basel art scene with a brand new website from autumn 2023. The ∑ SUMME will be (even) more than the well-known biennial events: it will be agenda, info portal, archive and exhibition space.

The "Summe" is an association of Basel's art and project spaces. The aim is to promote exchange between artists, projects and space operators, and to make them visible.
The ∑ SUMME is reinventing itself and will offer a portal for the visibility, networking and strengthening of the Basel art scene with a brand new website from autumn 2023. The ∑ SUMME will be (even) more than the well-known biennial events: it will be agenda, info portal, archive and exhibition space.
The ∑ SUMME was founded in 2015 by the artist-curator collective Dr. Kuckus Labrador and in December 2015, for the first time, the group exhibition ∑ SUMME was organised with over 20 project spaces in Basel. For this, the project spaces joined forces for the first time for a larger action, which brought increased attention and provided an opportunity for the various initiatives and projects to exchange information about their activities and goals. Since 2019, the ∑ SUMME has been organised as an association.


Lotta ist eine revolutionäre, basisdemokratische Organisation aus Basel. Wir kämpfen für eine gerechte, herrschaftsfreie Gesellschaft, an der alle gleichermassen teilhaben können und in der die zentralen Entscheidungen gemeinsam von unten getroffen und umgesetzt werden. Gesellschaftliche Bereiche wie die Produktion, der Wohnraum und die Infrastruktur sollen gemeinschaftlich verwaltet und organisiert sein.

Die heute herrschenden Verhältnisse sind erdrückend. Wenige Konzerne besitzen unglaubliche Mengen an Ressourcen und Macht. Nach wie vor prägen sexistische Strukturen unsere Leben. Menschen werden aufgrund ihrer Herkunft, ihrer Religion oder ihres Aussehens diskriminiert und ausgegrenzt. Arbeitsbedingungen verschlechtern sich und die sozialen Verhältnisse verschärfen sich für die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung. Während die Umwelt zerstört wird, der Rechtsextremismus erstarkt und sich Millionen Menschen auf der Flucht befinden, glauben viele Menschen nicht, dass eine grundlegende Veränderung der Verhältnisse möglich ist.

Doch Widerstände und hoffnungsvolle Kämpfe gibt es überall. Von der neuen weltweiten feministischen Bewegung, zu migrantischen Kämpfen über die gilets jaunes in Frankreich. Von dem revolutionären Gesellschaftsprojekt in Rojava bis hin zur neuen, jungen Klimabewegung.

Wir wollen nicht bloss zusehen. Wir organisieren uns. Um der Vereinzelung und Ohnmacht entgegenzuwirken, möchten wir damit beginnen, den Aufbau von selbstorganisierten, ausserparlamentarischen und solidarischen Strukturen zu stärken. Lokal im Quartier verankert und doch verbunden mit Bewegungen an anderen Orten auf der Welt. Beteiligt am Aufbau von kontinuierlichen Strukturen, welche uns in den Problemen des Alltags Stärke geben – und gleichzeitig fähig mit Aktionen und Demos spontan in das Zeitgeschehen einzugreifen und revolutionäre Positionen in die Gesellschaft zu tragen. Gemeinsam möchten wir Erfahrungen sammeln und einen Schritt vor den anderen setzen.

Überall auf der Welt gibt es Menschen, die für ein anderes Leben einstehen und kämpfen. Durch unser Handeln haben wir die Macht, unsere eigene Zukunft zu gestalten. Erkämpfen wir uns unser Leben zurück!

Gira Zapatistas Basel

Gira por la Vida – Tour for life: The Zapatismo is coming to Europe!

Group to support and organise the Zapatistas' trip to Europe and their visit to Basel.

In summer 2021, a caravan of about 160 Zapatistas will come to Europe, including Switzerland. For that, we are organising ourselves!
We are people from different collectives, organisations, spaces, squats, with different perspectives, backgrounds and languages.