
4000 Basel

A platform open to everyone: Those directly affected by capitalist urban revaluation, displacement.
*meeting as needed - contact the network of concerned persons via e-mail.

Basel is becoming more and more exclusive, affordable living space is disappearing, there is no room for non-commercial living together.
But we do not let ourselves be repressed and organize ourselves in "Häusertreff". As those affected, we offer mutual support and plan strategies to resist isolation and displacement.

Support us, come by, interfere, it concerns us all!

Opening hours: **Treffen nach Bedarf - kontaktiere die Betroffenenvernetzung via e-mail.


Mattenstrasse 74/76

4058 Basel

Housing Project and Neighborhood Center in the Rosental – part of the Mietshäuser Syndikat cooperative, former housing struggle.

Including green courtyard, concert room Schuppen, Bistro Fräulein Schranz, Schrumpel-vegetable-outlet, EPPA-herbs and alternative health, common ateliers and much more to explore.

Opening hours: variabel


Rabia - revolutionary antipatriarchal alliance basel

Rabia is an alliance of anti-patriarchal forces of the extra-parliamentary left in Basel. Our focus is on the 25th of November which is the international day against violence towards women and genderqueer people as well as the 8th of march¹.
Every day we experience being suppressed by the patriarchy. In a capitalist system, patriarchal structures lead to the exploitation of women and genderqueer people.
We don't want more gender diversity in the head positions, we want do abolish capitalist systems. Part of that is to overcome gender specific work segmentation, specifically reproduction and care work. We want to overcome the binary gender roles of “men” and “women”. The liberation from patriarchy must go hand in hand with the liberation from imperialism.
In rabia we summon our anger towards daily sexism and transphobia, towards the daily violence that far too often even leads to femicide and murder of trans people. Let us use our differences as strength. Together against the patriarchy!
Rabia - revolutionary antipatriarchal alliance basel
¹ historically: historical: international women's struggle day

Fiasko Magazin

critical intervention against migration regimes

Fiasko against fiasko

In Switzerland, Europe and many places throughout the world, migrants are judged “unwelcome”. Arriving people are rejected, isolated, administered and locked away. Somebody who wants to fight against this, who is searching for reliable information, is confronted with an impenetrable jungle of laws, orders and official despotism. Medias publish mostly superficial articles, repor- ted always from the same presumptuous perspective. Structures and conditions should not be questioned – we place a totally different demand on this newspaper!

face it: more than informing and commenting

In this newspaper there will be place for critical and self-determined texts written by people who no longer want to go along with a migration regime that categorizes, oppresses and exploits. By people who have had enough of a society who grants privileges and excludes, who want to rise their voice – silently and cautious, aloud and angry. By people who want to choose freely with whom they want to live with and in which manner and where their life should happen. People who demand this for everybody – open and in solidarity.

deal with it: think along, exchange and intervene

The point of this newspaper is to enforce awareness and to come into action against any illegalisation, discrimination and exclusion. Contribute with your own texts to criticize fundamentally all the social, economic and political structures that back up the migration regime. Different kinds of contributions are welcome – apart from reports and articles there will be place for creati- ve inputs such as pictures, drawings, comics and poems. All the contributions come out in the original language and with an English translation.

go further: let’s use (the) fiasko

Coming Events

B-Seite is an agenda who aims to create an overview over the subersive everday life in Basel and its diverse, self-organized events and initiatives.


… is a calendar to provide an overview of the subversive everyday life in Basel, as well as the various self-organized events and self-administered initiatives.

… should empower the different anti-capitalist, DIY, ecological, emancipatory, queer*feminist, anti-racist, revolutionary, spontaneous, planned, … events.

… should make these events more accessible.

… is a tool to connect the various initiatives, whether on the digital platform or out there in the real world, for example with the monthly print version or mutual support.

… should continue the idea of the former, analogue B-Flyer (thanks for that<3).


The internet is not only about the sharing ideas and information. It's about decentralizing power. That's why nearly every government and corporation on the planet is against net neutrality. - And why we must fight for it!

Under the name of wolke7 we're providing a local, encrypted and independent cloud service for storing and sharing data with other people.
A tiny team of volunteers maintains ther servers, the website and everything besides that. We are interessed in managing data in a propper way and being a part of a complex challange for our society.

The project is based on open source software of nextcloud and runs on our own servers.

Steinengraben im Exil

Group of neighbours fighting gentrification and for a good live for all.

After five years of housing struggle, the Steinengraben had to make way for a luxury project of the owner Helvetia-Versicherung. It is now enhancing the former city oasis in a prime location with expensive offices and loft apartments A luxury building project of the owner Helvetia-Versicherung is now disfiguring the former city oasis in a prime location with expensive offices and loft apartments.

We the community of Steinengraben are now scattered to the four winds. Steinengraben is gone but not everything that has grown between us could be destroyed with the demolition..

EPPA - die emanzipatorische, partizipative Pflanzenapotheke

Mattenstrasse 74/76

4058 Basel

The self-organized herbal pharmacy EPPA wants to create a place where people can share health-specific knowledge and find herbal medicine.

EPPA offers an alternative for all those who, like us, would like to become less dependent on conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical companies. In dealing with health, we want to give each other the tools to take care of ourselves.

Concretely, there is this space to share knowledge on medicinal plants and medical topics, to get advice and to pick up tea herbs, tinctures or ointments.

Opening hours: jeden ersten Samstag im Monat (14-17:00)

Ni Una Menos Basel

Queerfeministische Organisation gegen Feminizide

Was sind Feminizide?
Alle Menschen werden in der Gesellschaft in die binäre Geschlechterordnung von “Frau” und “Mann” gewiesen. Morde an Frauen und genderqueeren Personen die aufgrund dieser Geschlechtszuweisung als “Frau” begangen werden, werden als Feminizide bezeichnet. Feminizide geschehen meistens innerhalb der Familie, in häuslichen Einheiten und in anderen zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen. Diese vermeintlich privaten Umgebungen, in denen Feminizide oftmals stattfinden, lassen die Verantwortung des Staates gegenüber Feminiziden vergessen, denn staatliche Behörden begehen und tolerieren Feminizide. In Medien wird von Familiendramen oder Mord aus Leidenschaft berichtet. Dadurch wir die Systematik hinter den Morden verschleiert und die Motive der Täter banalisiert und verharmlost.
Das muss sich ändern: Feminizide müssen klar als solche benannt werden.

Wer sind wir?
Ni Una Menos Basel ist eine offene Gruppe aus jungen Frauen und genderqueeren Personen, die sich Anfang 2021 zusammengefunden hat. Ihren Ursprung hat die "Ni Una Menos"-Bewegung (deutsch: Nicht eine* weniger) in Argentinien. Die Bewegung entstand 2015 als Reaktion auf einen Feminizid, bei dem ein 14-jähriges schwangeres Mädchen von ihrem Freund ermordet wurde. Seitdem hat sich die Bewegung zuerst in Südamerika und später auf der ganzen Welt ausgebreitet.
Ni Una Menos Basel organisiert nach jedem Feminizid, der in der Schweiz geschehen ist oder in Verbindung zur Schweiz steht, einen Gedenkprotest.
Wir kämpfen gegen das Vergessen, in dem wir denen gedenken, die nicht mehr unter uns sind. Den Verstorbenen versuchen wir eine Stimme zu geben, da sie keine mehr haben. Wir sind da für alle Überlebenden und Hinterbliebenen. Ni Una Menos Basel möchte jedoch nicht nur die Trauer zum Ausdruck bringen, sondern auch die Wut auf das patriarchale System, welches die Täter schützt.
Ni Una Menos, Vivas Nos Queremos!
(Deutsch: Nicht eine* weniger, wir wollen uns lebend)

Opferhife beider Basel
T 061 205 09 10
Frauenhaus beider Basel
T 061 681 66 33
Telefon gegen Gewalt
T 076 516 26 76

Mehr zu Ni Una Menos Basel:
Instagram: @niunamenosbasel


Culture for everyone. A literary Telegram channel for reading and writing.

On this channel we create texts for a time, when certainties are not so certain anymore. Texts for a time, when occurrences are commented in the second they occur and become almost transparent in the process. Texts for a time that slips away from us. Texts like time fragments, that flicker up, are read and forgotten. Secret texts.

Texts about disappearance and the art of disappearing. About disappearance, which is an art, and art which disappears, when we do not see it. Texts for reflection.
What is going to disappear? What remains?

You have to say something about disappearance and want to contribute to this channel? Send a short poem or a short prose text to:
Please indicate whether your text is supposed to be posted anonymously or under your name.

This is a German channel. Texts in other languages can be posted with a German translation. We are happy to proofread the translations and we can help translating English or Spanish texts.

Texts that correspond to the concept of this channel will be posted.
All rights remain with the authors.

CCJ Collective Climate Justice

Collective Climate Justice (vormals Climate Games Basel) ist eine Gruppe von engagierten Menschen verschiedener Hintergründe. Aus unserer Sicht sind Regierungen und profitorientierte Unternehmen nicht gewillt und nicht fähig die Klimakatastrophe und die massenhafte Umweltzerstörung zu stoppen. Es ist deshalb notwendig und wichtig selbst aktiv zu werden und zu einer Bewegung beizutragen, welche bestimmt für globale Klimagerechtigkeit kämpft.

Im Rahmen unserer letzten Aktionstage im Sommer 2019 wurden mit dem Hauptsitz der Credit Suisse am Zürcher Paradeplatz und dem Hauptsitz der UBS in der Aeschenvorstadt in Basel zwei wichtige Standorte des Schweizer Finanzplatzes blockiert. Hunderte Menschen blockierten mit ihren Körpern die Zugänge zu den Hauptsitzen der beiden Grossbanken und zeigen, was sie wollen: den Investoren der Klimakatastrophe, namentlich Credit Suisse und UBS, den Geldhahn zudrehen! Credit Suisse und UBS sind die Hauptverantwortlichen des Schweizer Finanzplatzes für die weltweite Klimakatastrophe. Zwar wird hier kein Öl gefördert und keine Kohle verbrannt, aber von hier aus werden derartige Projekte finanziert und dadurch erst möglich gemacht.

Über neue Menschen die mit uns die Welt verändern wollen, freuen wir uns immer!
Kontakt via:

BFS Basel

Hammerstrasse 178

4057 Basel

The Movement for Socialism is an anti-capitalist, feminist, anti-racist and ecosocialist organization that is active throughout Switzerland.

The Basel section of the BFS meets every two weeks. If you are interested in attending a meeting or event of the BFS Basel or if you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us!