
Rabia - revolutionary antipatriarchal alliance basel

Rabia is an alliance of anti-patriarchal forces of the extra-parliamentary left in Basel. Our focus is on the 25th of November which is the international day against violence towards women and genderqueer people as well as the 8th of march¹.
Every day we experience being suppressed by the patriarchy. In a capitalist system, patriarchal structures lead to the exploitation of women and genderqueer people.
We don't want more gender diversity in the head positions, we want do abolish capitalist systems. Part of that is to overcome gender specific work segmentation, specifically reproduction and care work. We want to overcome the binary gender roles of “men” and “women”. The liberation from patriarchy must go hand in hand with the liberation from imperialism.
In rabia we summon our anger towards daily sexism and transphobia, towards the daily violence that far too often even leads to femicide and murder of trans people. Let us use our differences as strength. Together against the patriarchy!
Rabia - revolutionary antipatriarchal alliance basel
¹ historically: historical: international women's struggle day


The internet is not only about the sharing ideas and information. It's about decentralizing power. That's why nearly every government and corporation on the planet is against net neutrality. - And why we must fight for it!

Under the name of wolke7 we're providing a local, encrypted and independent cloud service for storing and sharing data with other people.
A tiny team of volunteers maintains ther servers, the website and everything besides that. We are interessed in managing data in a propper way and being a part of a complex challange for our society.

The project is based on open source software of nextcloud and runs on our own servers.

Fiasko Magazin

critical intervention against migration regimes

Fiasko against fiasko

In Switzerland, Europe and many places throughout the world, migrants are judged “unwelcome”. Arriving people are rejected, isolated, administered and locked away. Somebody who wants to fight against this, who is searching for reliable information, is confronted with an impenetrable jungle of laws, orders and official despotism. Medias publish mostly superficial articles, repor- ted always from the same presumptuous perspective. Structures and conditions should not be questioned – we place a totally different demand on this newspaper!

face it: more than informing and commenting

In this newspaper there will be place for critical and self-determined texts written by people who no longer want to go along with a migration regime that categorizes, oppresses and exploits. By people who have had enough of a society who grants privileges and excludes, who want to rise their voice – silently and cautious, aloud and angry. By people who want to choose freely with whom they want to live with and in which manner and where their life should happen. People who demand this for everybody – open and in solidarity.

deal with it: think along, exchange and intervene

The point of this newspaper is to enforce awareness and to come into action against any illegalisation, discrimination and exclusion. Contribute with your own texts to criticize fundamentally all the social, economic and political structures that back up the migration regime. Different kinds of contributions are welcome – apart from reports and articles there will be place for creati- ve inputs such as pictures, drawings, comics and poems. All the contributions come out in the original language and with an English translation.

go further: let’s use (the) fiasko


Lotta ist eine revolutionäre, basisdemokratische Organisation aus Basel. Wir kämpfen für eine gerechte, herrschaftsfreie Gesellschaft, an der alle gleichermassen teilhaben können und in der die zentralen Entscheidungen gemeinsam von unten getroffen und umgesetzt werden. Gesellschaftliche Bereiche wie die Produktion, der Wohnraum und die Infrastruktur sollen gemeinschaftlich verwaltet und organisiert sein.

Die heute herrschenden Verhältnisse sind erdrückend. Wenige Konzerne besitzen unglaubliche Mengen an Ressourcen und Macht. Nach wie vor prägen sexistische Strukturen unsere Leben. Menschen werden aufgrund ihrer Herkunft, ihrer Religion oder ihres Aussehens diskriminiert und ausgegrenzt. Arbeitsbedingungen verschlechtern sich und die sozialen Verhältnisse verschärfen sich für die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung. Während die Umwelt zerstört wird, der Rechtsextremismus erstarkt und sich Millionen Menschen auf der Flucht befinden, glauben viele Menschen nicht, dass eine grundlegende Veränderung der Verhältnisse möglich ist.

Doch Widerstände und hoffnungsvolle Kämpfe gibt es überall. Von der neuen weltweiten feministischen Bewegung, zu migrantischen Kämpfen über die gilets jaunes in Frankreich. Von dem revolutionären Gesellschaftsprojekt in Rojava bis hin zur neuen, jungen Klimabewegung.

Wir wollen nicht bloss zusehen. Wir organisieren uns. Um der Vereinzelung und Ohnmacht entgegenzuwirken, möchten wir damit beginnen, den Aufbau von selbstorganisierten, ausserparlamentarischen und solidarischen Strukturen zu stärken. Lokal im Quartier verankert und doch verbunden mit Bewegungen an anderen Orten auf der Welt. Beteiligt am Aufbau von kontinuierlichen Strukturen, welche uns in den Problemen des Alltags Stärke geben – und gleichzeitig fähig mit Aktionen und Demos spontan in das Zeitgeschehen einzugreifen und revolutionäre Positionen in die Gesellschaft zu tragen. Gemeinsam möchten wir Erfahrungen sammeln und einen Schritt vor den anderen setzen.

Überall auf der Welt gibt es Menschen, die für ein anderes Leben einstehen und kämpfen. Durch unser Handeln haben wir die Macht, unsere eigene Zukunft zu gestalten. Erkämpfen wir uns unser Leben zurück!


B-Seite is an agenda who aims to create an overview over the subersive everday life in Basel and its diverse, self-organized events and initiatives.


… is a calendar to provide an overview of the subversive everyday life in Basel, as well as the various self-organized events and self-administered initiatives.

… should empower the different anti-capitalist, DIY, ecological, emancipatory, queer*feminist, anti-racist, revolutionary, spontaneous, planned, … events.

… should make these events more accessible.

… is a tool to connect the various initiatives, whether on the digital platform or out there in the real world, for example with the monthly print version or mutual support.

… should continue the idea of the former, analogue B-Flyer (thanks for that<3).

Recht auf Stadt

4000 Basel

Based on our own experiences as people being displaced in Basel, we deal with the "right to the city" both in terms of content and actively on the street. The "right to the city" group meets regularly, discusses, publishes and plans actions. We are open for interested people =)
Contact us!

Getting wind of "urban development"? It's the wrecking ball.
The history of the displacement in Basel is long and it continues. The wrecking ball is cutting deep aisles into our city, through which the cold wind of displacement is blowing.

Who wants that?

Try to explain to a child why it is fair that an investor who has never walked through a house, never lived there and never worked there can now decide that those who have invested a lot of time, attention and energy in this place must be removed:

Because the world is unjust?
Because it is capitalist?
Because we subordinate ourselves to the market?
Our city is not for sale.

People in this City have the right to help shape the urban space, regardless of the origin or size of their wallet. We fight, together and for all.

Right to the city in Basel - from below!


Müllheimerstr. 77

4057 Basel

Information and networking platform for social and ecological transition in the Basel region.

BaselWandel is an open platform for socially and ecologically committed and interested people in the Basel region. We offer a stage and a ground on which your project can grow by networking with other committed people and informing the public.

Through our networking platform we enable interested parties to meet different projects, bring committed people from different areas closer together and promote the development of a strong and diverse community from many individual initiatives.

As an information platform, we create an overview of all organisations and projects that are committed to social and ecological transition in the Basel region.

BaselWandel is organised as an association and sees itself as an open structure, which enables people and organisations to become involved as individual or collective members and to implement networking projects.

Translated with (free version)

MEO Basel

1312 Basel

Messenger Event Organisation Basel

Once in the 90's a few messengers sat together and decided to start an organisation, that supports messenger events. At the beginning the focus was on alleycats, later also messenger championships and bike polo turnaments were organised. Some evenings and Pfefferracketen later, the statutes were created and adapted with the elaborate process of "copy-paste". MEO was born.

You search for financial support for your alleycat or for insider contacts? Or you want to get involved in the messenger scene of Basel? Reach out to MEO – or just the next messenger you know


Mattenstrasse 74/76

4058 Basel

Housing Project and Neighborhood Center in the Rosental – part of the Mietshäuser Syndikat cooperative, former housing struggle.

Including green courtyard, concert room Schuppen, Bistro Fräulein Schranz, Schrumpel-vegetable-outlet, EPPA-herbs and alternative health, common ateliers and much more to explore.

Opening hours: variabel


Collectively operated analogue photo laboratory in Basel.

We develop and enlarge black-and-white and organise occasional exhibitions. We offer workshops for beginners and a room for independent work for experienced and expert photographers.

Opening hours: Angebot und Anmeldung auf unserer Webseite.

Stadt für Alle

Right to the City for All – in Basel and everywhere.

Der Verein Stadt für Alle setzt sich für eine sozialverträgliche, bezahlbare und ökologische Stadt ein, die frei von Renditezwängen und Ausgrenzung belebt wird. Wir dokumentieren städtische Prozesse, insbesondere auf dem Wohnungs-, Immobilien- und Bodenmarkt Basels. Wir intervenieren in die öffentlichen Diskussionen um Stadtentwicklung und Wohnpolitik. Und wir unterstützen Hausgruppen, Quartiervereine oder Mieter:innen.




Radiopolis is a neighbourhood radio with a range as borderless as possible.
The program is only limited by the radio format.
From live sets, conversations and other ideas everything is possible.

We want to offer as many people as possible a platform and thus promote cultural and thematic networking.
We advocate a solidarity-based and non-profit-oriented opinion.
We firmly reject all forms of discrimination, racism, sexism and homophobia.

We are pleased about all inputs and willingness to participate.
Do you have an idea or contributions which you think would fit into our program?
Get in touch with us and we will get back to you.

Live chat and current information:

Telegram live chat:
Instagram: @faksepolis